How Do My Puppy Will Survive Parvo, Right?

How Do My Puppy Will Survive Parvo, Right Home Treatment & Beating The Odds

How do I know if my puppy will survive parvo?

When parvo symptoms like vomiting stop, your puppy regains his appetite, becomes more active, and there is no longer blood in his poop, you will know that your puppy will survive parvo. If your puppy has parvo and is receiving treatment, these are encouraging signs.  

Prior to moving on, it’s crucial to stress that if you have any reason to believe your puppy may have parvo, you should call your veterinarian right away. The survival of your puppy depends on a proper diagnosis and prompt treatment, whether at the hospital or when treating parvo for your puppy at home without a veterinarian.

What Is Parvovirus?

Despite the fact that the majority of dog owners are aware of parvo, only those who have personally cared for an infected puppy can truly appreciate just how dangerous this virus is.

One of the most contagious viruses that affect dogs is parvo, which has a high mortality rate. 

The unsettling thing is that parvo can endure for years in the soil, where it can be picked up and passed on to your puppy without your knowledge.

Be extra cautious if you are raising puppies with siblings because your puppy can get parvo through close contact with an infected dog.

Indirect contact with a contaminated object is another scenario where parvo might be contracted.

Therefore, there is a chance of exposure every time your puppy goes outside and sniffs or licks dog poop if the poop is contaminated.

In addition, your puppy may contract parvo if they interact with an infected dog or puppy while playing or if they come into contact with an infected dog’s bowl, leash, collar, or harness.

Since the stomach and small intestine are the most frequently affected organs by canine parvovirus, it is categorized as a digestive disease. In the small intestine, this virus kills cells, which reduces the absorption of nutrients. 

The Chances Of Survival In Dogs With Parvo

The likelihood that a puppy will survive parvo greatly depends on how quickly after first showing symptoms it was identified and treated.

Within two to three days of exhibiting the first parvo symptoms, up to 91% of puppies who are left untreated will pass away. 

Do not try to let the virus go untreated in the hopes that your puppy will recover on its own. Given how quickly the virus spreads, parvo is dangerous and lethal, so you must act faster than it. 

The good news is that your puppy’s survival chance is between 68 and 92% with prompt action and appropriate veterinary care. Additionally, the majority of puppies that survive the initial three to four days recover completely.

The likelihood that your puppy will recover from parvo is greatly increased by prompt action and medical attention. The likelihood that your puppy will survive parvo, however, also depends on:

Treatment Time 

As previously stated, the moment your puppy begins treatment is crucial to their survival.

Remember that starting treatment within the first 24 to 72 hours of the onset of symptoms will give your puppy the best chance of making a full recovery.

Take your puppy to the vet right away if they exhibit parvo symptoms and haven’t had their full series of vaccinations.

The immune system of a young puppy isn’t capable of fighting off such a potent infection. 

Delaying treatment for parvo is never a good idea. If you choose to ignore your dog’s symptoms in the hope that they will go away, their condition will quickly get worse until it is beyond repair.

Unfortunately, it happens frequently for new owners to mistakenly attribute their puppy’s stomach ache or vomiting and diarrhea to something they gave it.

The likelihood of the puppy surviving in these situations can be impacted by the delay in receiving the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. 

However, it’s always preferable to visit the veterinarian with your puppy than never! Even though a delayed response doesn’t guarantee that your puppy won’t survive, you should be ready for anything. 

Treatment Type

Although canine parvovirus is very common, there is still no specific medication created to kill the virus in infected puppies and dogs.

In order to give the puppy’s immune system a chance to fight off the illness, the parvo treatment aims to alleviate their symptoms. 

As soon as your puppy is diagnosed, treatment should begin, which primarily entails intensive care.

Your puppy needs to be given IV fluids containing electrolytes to treat dehydration, medication to treat vomiting and diarrhea, and antibiotics to stop secondary bacterial infections.

The first phase of parvo treatment is aggressive and usually lasts three to four days. You should start observing signs that your puppy is recovering from parvo with the appropriate type of care.

Generally speaking, the stool of your puppy won’t contain any blood and should begin to firm up.

A puppy’s chance of surviving parvo can be compromised by administering the incorrect treatment. Therefore, it is crucial that you go over treatment options with your veterinarian. 

Your veterinarian may advise keeping your puppy in the hospital for the initial course of treatment, depending on the severity of the condition and its symptoms.

If you can’t provide at-home care or have other dogs at home, this is always a good choice. 

Health Problems That Underlying 

Since the majority of puppies are born in perfect health, underlying health issues are frequently disregarded in them.

Puppies purchased from pet shops and puppy mills, however, are frequently born sick and may have multiple unrecognized medical conditions. 

Puppies with underlying medical problems, unfortunately, have a lower chance of surviving parvo.

The puppy’s immune system is already overburdened and ill-equipped to contend with two enemies at once. A puppy in these situations will experience a sharp decline in health and begin to shut down.  

The Symptoms Severity

The severity of your puppy’s symptoms is often the best indicator of its prognosis for surviving parvo.

Your puppy is clearly responding well to treatment if they are no longer throwing up and are displaying some signs of appetite.

The situation isn’t looking good, though, if two or three days have passed and your puppy is still spitting up and having bloody diarrhea.

Now is the time to discuss the treatment plan with your vet. 

Your veterinarian might advise a blood plasma transfusion if your puppy isn’t responding well to the initial treatment strategy.

It’s a good sign that your puppy isn’t doing well because this is typically only done in extreme circumstances. 

There is a possibility that your puppy won’t survive parvo even if your veterinarian follows all the right procedures.

Severe fatigue, ongoing bloody diarrhea, anorexia, and bloody vomiting are among the parvo symptoms that are nearly fatal. 

This is the point of no return, even though you might not want to admit it to yourself. Decide to put your puppy to sleep in order to be humane.

While saying goodbye to your puppy will be very difficult, know that they are no longer suffering and that you did everything you could to help. 

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How Will I Know If Parvo Is Killing My Puppy?

Parvo spreads very rapidly, and if it is not treated right away, your dog could pass away in 48 to 72 hours.

It is possible for your pup to die from dehydration if the condition is not treated; however, the likelihood of survival is only 9% in this case. 

Aside from the worsening of the warning signs listed in the previous section, the degrading dog will also start to become lifeless, depressed, and extremely cold.

You will notice that as their feces become more liquid and bloody, which is indicative of internal bleeding brought on by parvo. Additionally, they’ll probably vomit blood and have very pale gums. 

Your puppy still has a chance of developing sepsis even if it is receiving treatment and water. The pup’s organs would start to fail if this were to occur. When the puppy is untreated and dehydrated, they will show similar signs of death. 

Your puppy’s chance of survival will increase significantly—from 68% to 92%—if you are successful in starting treatment early enough.

Your veterinarian should administer the proper care; they will then counsel you on how the treatment plan will be carried out. 

A veterinarian’s treatment plan will typically consist of three things in particular. 

  1. Dehydration, vomiting, and diarrhea are supported by managing and controlling these symptoms.
  2. A drip will replace food until your puppy can eat again, ensuring that they receive the necessary nutrients. At this point, it is unlikely that you can feed your puppy. 
  3. a course of antibiotics to treat any secondary bacterial infections that might develop as a result of the virus harming the puppy’s intestinal walls. 

If you have other dogs at home, your veterinarian can also give you advice on what to do to stop the parvovirus from spreading. 

How Long Does Parvo Last?

Your puppy has a better chance of recovering if she survives the first four days. Puppies with parvo typically need up to seven days to recover fully. However, how they’ve been treated does play a role in this.

It is crucial to get treatment as soon as possible, and I can’t stress that enough. In addition, your dog will recover faster with the appropriate care. Your puppy may require more time to recover because their immune systems are still developing.

If treatment was started promptly and the dog survived the first four days, there is a 90% chance that they will recover if they are receiving care at your veterinarian’s hospital.

They have an 85% chance of recovering if you choose to treat them at home. However, this is only possible if you are attentive and strictly adhere to the veterinarian’s instructions.

How Much Will Parvo Treatment Cost For My Puppy?

The cost of treating canine parvovirus is high. To assist your dog in overcoming the infection, you can anticipate spending anywhere between $500 and $2,500. The cost will increase if your puppy needs to stay in the hospital for a longer period of time.

Many pet owners choose to euthanize their dog because this is far beyond their financial means. For many dog lovers, this can be a heartbreaking choice. Therefore, it’s crucial to always make sure your puppy has received the proper parvo vaccination.

Why does treating parvo cost so much money? First off, the tests to diagnose the illness end up costing several hundred dollars. A treatment strategy needs to be established after the diagnosis has been made. Hospitalization, intravenous drips, medications, and any additional procedures that might be required are included here.

Your vet may decide to administer a blood plasma transfusion if your dog is not responding well to the prescribed treatment. This is typically done in extreme cases and can cost up to $1,000 per day.

Due to the high costs of in-hospital care, many pet owners prefer to administer treatments at home. The price of treating parvo is reduced as a result.

How Do My Puppy Will Survive Parvo, Right Home Treatment & Beating The Odds
How Do My Puppy Will Survive Parvo, Right? Home Treatment & Beating The Odds

What Indicates Your Puppy Is Over The Parvo Virus?

You should get in touch with your vet right away or take your puppy to the vet right away if your puppy exhibits one or more of the following symptoms. Therefore, your puppy needs to receive treatment as soon as possible. 

 Frequently Vomiting With Blood In It

If your puppy begins to frequently vomit, that is typically the first sign of parvo in puppies. Various hues and textures can be found in the vomit. There could be vomit that is brown, yellow, or even clear.   

Handy Hint: The contents of your dog’s vomit can reveal a lot about the cause of their illness. For more information and as a resource whenever your puppy feels sick, visit the Dog Vomit Color Guide website.

Frequently Bloody Diarrhea 

A parvo-infected puppy may experience frequent episodes of bloody diarrhea. Even mustard- or light-yellow-colored diarrhea may be experienced by your puppy. 

Drooling Excessively 

Your puppy may drool excessively and even foam at the mouth in addition to vomiting and having diarrhea. Additionally, his or her nose will be running. 

Fever / Hypothermia

Fever is one of the most prevalent symptoms of canine parvovirus. You should gently stroke the area around your puppy’s ears and take his temperature to determine if he has a fever. Your puppy may have a fever if the area around his ears and on his head is warm. 

You can gently touch his belly as well as the head. It’s simpler for you to determine his body temperature because his belly has less fur. Your puppy’s belly will be extremely warm and may even feel slightly sticky if he has a fever.  

Abdominal Pain & Bloating 

Since he might be experiencing abdominal pain, your puppy may be stooped over. He might also have a bloated, round abdomen. Because the area around the abdomen is so sensitive, your puppy might scream and cry when you touch it.  


Your puppy is sluggish and depressed instead of carefree, playful, and animated. He doesn’t want to interact or play with other animals or family members. Your puppy will lie back down when you try to play with him or pick him up and will not sit up.

Appetite Loss

Even if you give your puppy their favorite food, they won’t eat when they have parvo, so be patient. When you try to hand-feed your puppy food, it’s likely that she won’t go to her bowl and will act disinterested in it. 

This sign can be concerning for many owners because your puppy usually eats everything in sight. As soon as possible, you should discuss this with your veterinarian. Even if your dog is able to eat, he will probably vomit the food he just consumed. 

Weight Loss 

Your puppy might start to lose weight if they stop eating because of a loss of appetite. Even though his belly appears to be large and bloated, you might be able to see his ribs sticking out or showing.   


Puppies with parvo may also stop drinking water in addition to not eating. When this occurs, it develops into a significant issue. This is due to the fact that your puppy can become dehydrated from both diarrhea and vomiting symptoms as well as from not drinking enough water. 

We strongly advise that you call your veterinarian right away because puppies can’t go for very long without eating or drinking. Your dog will be examined by your veterinarian, who will also use a syringe to hydrate him. To keep your puppy hydrated, your veterinarian may even administer electrolyte liquid.   

Can You Give Your Dog Care At Home?

When your veterinarian has determined that your puppy has the virus, you can treat him at home. The best home treatment advice will be provided by your veterinarian. Preventing dehydration-related death in your puppy will be the main priority.

The following will be part of the Parvo home treatment regimen:

  • Watering your puppy frequently: This includes giving your puppy regular, small doses of water-containing electrolytes. Your puppy will struggle to keep liquids inside because they will continue to vomit and have diarrhea.
  • Continually check your gums: Gum in good health is pink. Get your dog to the vet right away if her gum starts to turn gray, white, or even bright red.
  • Keeping nutrient levels up Your dog will be achy and refuse food because of this. Your pup’s chances of survival will be improved if you can get her to consume small amounts of plain canned or bottled baby food (no added garlic or onions, please). Here are some feeding suggestions for Parvo: mix the food with water, use a dropper, and so on.
  • Alternative medications: As you take care of your pup’s condition, you might try using homeopathic medications to help with Parvo symptoms.
  • Verifying your puppy’s level of hydration To do this, gently pinch your puppy’s skin upward and then release it. Your puppy’s levels of hydration are healthy if it snaps back right away. You must hydrate your dog as soon as you can, though, if the skin flap takes a while to return to its original position.


How do I know if my puppy will survive parvo?

Your puppy may be at risk of contracting parvo until they have received all three shots required to protect them from the fatal illness. Over the course of a 12-week period, the three shots should be given. Your puppy will require a booster shot once a year after receiving all three shots.   

Fortunately, parvo is not a silent illness. Instead, your puppy will show a number of symptoms that will alert you to the condition, allowing you to take prompt action and begin the appropriate treatment.