How To Make A Fishing Rod Minecraft? Let’s See

How To Make A Fishing Rod Minecraft Let's See

How to make a fishing rod Minecraft? A fishing rod is used in the Minecraft game, as the name would imply, to catch fish. Fish can be used as food to replenish your supplies and quell your hunger, or you can use it to increase your level of trust with the dolphin so that it will lead you to an underwater treasure that is hidden and contains valuable resources. In addition, you can use it to trade emeralds with the locals.

What You’ll Need To Make A Fishing Rod

You’ll require the following supplies to make a fishing rod:

  1. Crafting table
  2. 3 sticks
  3. 2 string

How Do You Make A Fishing Rod In Minecraft?

Opening The Crafting Menu

The 3×3 crafting grid should be visible when you first open your crafting table, as shown below:

Adding Items To Make A Fishing Rod

You ought to see a crafting area with a 3×3 crafting grid in the menu for crafting. Three sticks and two strings should be placed in the 3×3 crafting grid to create a fishing rod.

It is crucial that the sticks and strings are arranged exactly as shown in the image below when making a fishing rod. One stick should be placed in the third box of the first row. In the second row, the second box should contain one stick, and the third box should contain one string. The first box in the third row should contain one stick, and the third box should contain one string. This is how to make a fishing rod in Minecraft.

The fishing rod will now show up in the box to the right once you have filled the crafting area with the right pattern.

Moving The Fishing Rod To Inventory

You must add the newly created fishing rod to your inventory after crafting it.

How To Make A Fishing Rod Minecraft Let's See
How To Make A Fishing Rod Minecraft? Let’s See

That Minecraft fishing rod you created is fantastic!

Enchantments: How Do I Get Them?

These enchantments can be acquired in one of three ways. (besides commands) You can find an enchanted book or enchant your fishing rod at an enchanting table. Your best option will be to use the enchanting table, as you can keep rolling until you get it, as opposed to simply looting chests and villages, as the likelihood of discovering a book or villager willing to trade the ideal enchantments is very slim. If you do manage to come across a book with the desired enchantment, simply use an anvil to apply the book to the fishing rod.

How Many Different Kinds Of Fish Can A Fishing Pole Bring In?

Fishing rods can catch four different kinds of fish: raw cod, raw salmon, tropical fish, and pufferfish.

How Long Does A Fishing Rod Last?

Without enchantments, fishing rods have a 64-turn durability rating, which means they can be used for that many turns before breaking.


Congratulations, you’ve just made your own fishing rod! Now that you can fish to your heart’s content in the Minecraft world. In Minecraft, fishing is a fantastic way to get some powerful enchanted books as well as food. Prior to their complete removal from the game, AFK fishing farms were the method that the most seasoned players used to enchant every item they owned. Whatever the case, fishing is a fantastic hobby and something you can really enjoy doing in the game of Minecraft.